Golden Eagle
The eagle did indeed have large talons.
Every weeknight, during the 10pm newscast on KRTV, Ryan features a pupper in his “dog-walking forecast.” A few weeks ago I submitted a photo of Ziggy, and last night he made it on the show! And yeah – today isn’t optimal for taking pup for a walk – a bit chilly 🙂 But warmer weather…
There were two very special guests at Scheels on Sunday – two reindeer! They were in a small fenced area outside, happily nibbling on hay. We drove by and wanted to get up close for a look, but the parking lot was absolute madness, so we had to settle for two very slow drive-by looks….
In today’s Animal-lympics event, we watch two birds in the always-popular Synchronized Perching event.
I just love watching the geese fly overhead, honking up a storm. Sometimes they are so low that we can hear the “whooshing” of their flapping wings!