Perfect weather? Darn close! There was even the faintest hint of a chill early this morning, but it is going to get rather hot today. But with a sky like this – all good!
The Photo Of The Day is this mailer I received yesterday – woohoo, I’m aging – a 55+ discount! Although I am somewhat tempted, I am also fiercely loyal to Verizon. I’ve been with “Big Red” since May 2002, when I received my beloved Area Code 406 a few weeks before I moved to Montana.

Before VZW, I was with VoiceStream – remember that? Jamie Lee Curtis was their spokeswoman, years before she was pitching yogurt. VoiceStream eventually became T-Mobile! My first mobile phone was in March 1997 – with (IIRC) Cellular One.
But VZW has been so good to me for so many years…there is no doubt that I would save $$$ by switching – we pay a lot for Verizon – but the thought of switching and finding out that T-Mobile is horrible and then having to switch back – nah, not worth the potential hassle.
The Link Of The Day is to the Reddit Great Falls page – it’s not super-active, but sometimes interesting things pop up – someone looking for Cards Against Humanity players, advice on finding housing, occasional pretty pictures. And today, I had the honor of being insulted by an idiot: “You’re clearly an elitist fuckwad if you believe this place is low on crime and a fantastic place to live.” So I’ve got that going for me…
The Song Of The Day is “Move On Up” from the iconic Curtis Mayfield – so many things to love about this.