On a whim, I decided to buy a PowerXL Smokeless Grill based solely on a TV commercial. It’s a pretty slick-looking piece of machinery.
The primary purpose, of course, was to try “grilling” some steaks:

Add a bit of water to the slide-in tray underneath the grilling platter, plug it in, turn it on, and it starts cooking.
The “smokeless” part of this is legit – there was virtually NO smoke throughout the entire cooking process. We turned the fan off twice to see how effective it was, and the difference was remarkable – fan on = no smoke.
And here’s how the steaks looked after a few minutes:

Unfortunately…the steaks were not great. They may as well have been cooked right in a pan on the stove-top – far less delicious than legit grilling.
On the other hand, the griddle option yielded much better results when we made French toast a few days later 🙂
We’re going to try some other food options soon – fish, eggs, burgers – and see how they stack up against other methods of cooking.
Here’s the promo video: