There was an odd post on /montana a few days ago: “For anyone living in Monarch, Neihart, or Milliegan and surrounding areas can anyone tell me if something weird is going on near you?”
Down in the comments, a few people brought up a memory of a man in the Neihart area who wanted to build a church or type of monument, which triggered a memory of some glossy flyers I stumbled across about a year ago.
The goal of this man? “The Son of Man Project, with your help, can put a mansion on Big Baldy Mountain for the King of Kings.”
The dude was hoping to raise money for his project in “beautiful downtown Neihart.”
He urged people to write to President Bush asking him to “grant” the land to the project.
Amazingly, the website for the project is still around – check it out.
And some back-story, kind of: