Watching J! yesterday and was surprised to see Montana referenced for something other than natural wonders, scenery, history, etc – learned that the Selkirk Rex breed of cat “originated” in Montana!
According to the Cat Fanciers’ Association: “One of the newest natural breeds, this naturally curly cat originated from a housecat, Miss DePesto of Noface, found in a shelter in Montana. Given to Persian breeder, Jeri Newman of Montana, who bred her to PhotoFinish of Deekay, a black Persian. “Pest” produced three curly kittens out of six – proving that unlike the Devon Rex and Cornish Rex, Pest’s mutation was dominant. Because the gene is dominant, curly kittens can be born in the same litter with straight haired kittens.”
The pets section of WebMD notes: “Selkirk Rexes resemble stuffed animals and have also been called cats in sheep’s clothing. They have a cuddly personality to go with their curly coats. They may look like they are having a bad hair day, but giving a Selkirk a hug will improve your day.”