If you’ve driven along River Drive near the Milwaukee Tower lately, you’ve seen the early stages of construction work for a big project: The Station District.
According to KRTV, the five-story complex will feature 121 apartment units, along with three restaurant spaces and a coffee shop available to lease. Plans also include an on-site wellness studio which includes a gym with state-of-the-art fitness equipment, a physical therapy center, and a massage therapy studio. Features of the building include underground parking and an elevator.

I know some people are not happy about the development – it will spoil the view, it’s not necessary, it will be ugly, etc.
Other people – like me! – are excited to see it happening – it looks like an amazing property and will give Great Falls a very cool river-front “activity” center. And frankly, we are long past-due to have something modern and new that highlights on what many people believe is our greatest draw – the river.
And I understand the nay-sayers – change can be hard to accept. But Great Falls (like other communities) has to change, to some degree and at some time – and this seems like a good thing.