We took Ziggy to a vet appointment this week, and for the first time in my life, I saw one of those unique cat-carriers that a person wears like a back-pack.
The cat seemed perfectly content – maybe even looked a little bit happy, as if to say, “Look at me, I’m traveling in style in this luxurious space-age bubble…no dirty paws for me!”
I suppose if cats had a TV show in their Cat Universe like we humans have “The Jetsons,” this is how the Future Cats would travel.
I had no idea such “back-pack” carriers were so common – check out this list of “Top 15 Cat Backpacks.” Pretty sure the one I saw was the “Lollimeow” brand.
There were a couple of occasions that I took Ziggy in a carrier to work with me when he was a pup – this is from July 2009, he was about three month old: