Here’s a flashback to March 2008: we took a drive out to Augusta (about 50 miles west of Great Falls), and it was simply gorgeous. After a good lunch in town, we drove a little north in search of one of the filming locations for the movie “Northfork.” It was filmed in and around Great Falls and Augusta. My wife was hired as a “shopper” for the film – she helped them find unique things to include in several scenes, such as vintage candlesticks. One of the most interesting things in the film was a huge ark, which the producers built north of Augusta.
From Roger Ebert: “The film is set in Montana in 1955, as the town of Northfork prepares to be submerged forever beneath the waters of a dam. Three two-man Evacuation Teams travel the countryside in their fat black sedans, persuading the lingering residents to leave. Most of the residents have already pulled out, but one stubborn citizen opens fire on Evacuators, and another plans to ride out the flood waters in his Ark, which does not have two of everything but does have two wives, a detail Noah overlooked.”
The ark was taken down after it was filmed, but I still wanted to see the area, so we drove around on some dusty dirt roads – and came across some really, really pretty scenery.

The movie is unusual, and actually rather surreal, even. If you haven’t seen it, you should – and not necessarily for the plot or the acting, but at least for the images and cinematography.